Dining Center, Student Housing, Parking Under Construction
With seven months of Merced 2020 Project construction-related activities complete, the primary focus now is work on the new dining facility and two student residential buildings that are slated for completion by Fall 2018. During the past month, the team from Plenary Properties Merced and Webcor Builders have:
- installed reinforced steel and poured concrete for one of the first student housing buildings;
- excavated the site for the new multipurpose dining facility and adjacent below-grade infrastructure;
- graded the site south of Bellevue Road in preparation for a set of new campus parking lots; and
- moved into a set of work trailers that will serve as offices for hundreds of designers, engineers and construction professionals through Fall 2020.
In total, 13 new buildings and supporting infrastructure will be added to the campus. The most recent construction updates are available online.
The team greatly appreciates the campus community’s patience as it does its best to accommodate faculty, staff and student needs during the construction period.
General questions about the Merced 2020 Project can be emailed to construction2020@ucmerced.edu.