Webcast With Chancellor Leland, Campus Leadership
Chancellor Dorothy Leland will participate in the third of a series of interactive webcasts for staff and faculty members from 1:30-2:30 p.m. May 24.
Leland, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Thomas Peterson and Vice Chancellor for Business and Administrative Services Michael Reese will answer questions from viewers in real time and provide updates on campus projects and initiatives. Viewers can submit questions or comments anonymously if they so choose. A link to view the webcast will be distributed to staff and faculty members by email prior to the event.
During the past year, Leland and members of her leadership team have used webcasts to communicate with faculty and staff members, provide campus updates, answer questions and address concerns. Topics have included the 2020 Project, performance management, strategic academic focusing, release time, workforce planning, the transition to merit pay, faculty hiring plans and more.