Campus Leaders to Discuss Vision and Change Alignment During Oct. 24 Webcast
Join Vice Chancellor Michael Reese and Vice Provost for the Faculty Gregg Camfield for an interactive webcast Oct. 24 from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
Reese and Camfield will provide an update about the campus’s Visioning and Change Alignment initiative. Participants can watch the webcast live online and submit questions. Webcast facilitators will inform viewers how to submit questions anonymously at the start of the broadcast. A link to view the webcast will be posted prior to the event. The webcast will be recorded so those unable to watch in real time can view it later at their convenience.
During her all-staff meeting in January, Chancellor Leland noted that town hall meetings — a format she has used since her arrival at UC Merced in 2011 — would be enhanced with interactive webcasts. The next webcasts — updates on the Merced 2020 Project and Downtown Campus Center — will take place on Nov. 17 and Jan. 25, respectively.