Campuswide Events Promote Awareness of Sexual Violence
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the UC Merced CARE Office (formerly the Violence Prevention Program) has numerous activities planned to include all members of the campus community.
Wednesday, April 29, is Denim Day, an international campaign that protests sexual violence. The campaign began 16 years ago and was triggered by the Italian Supreme Court overturning a rape conviction based on the fact that the victim was wearing tight jeans — the justices argued that her rapist would have needed her help to remove the pants, which implied consent. Wearing jeans on Denim Day is part of a global movement to draw attention to misconceptions about sexual assault.
In addition to encouraging all members of the campus community to wear jeans (administrators included), the CARE Office will host “Express Your Dress” in front of the Carol Tomlinson-Keasey Quad on Scholars Lane from noon to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday. “Why Jeans” stickers and buttons will be available for purchase. All proceeds benefit Valley Crisis Center.
From noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, April 30, the CARE Office’s Greek Advisory Committee presents the annual Walk for Change. The march around campus is meant to draw attention to the need for societal change to eradicate sexual violence. Participants will collect change during the walk to benefit Valley Crisis Center. Last year’s walk raised $200. Organizers hope to exceed that number this year.
People are invited to join the march, donate directly to the cause or join the end of the march in the Alpine Room for a reception to celebrate the unveiling of the CARE Office’s new logo. Light refreshments will be provided.
For information on Denim Day, contact CARE Director Kari Mansager; Alyssa Avila is the contact for Walk for Change.