Employees Eligible for Summer Session Fee Discount
February 20, 2014

UC Merced staff members interested in enrolling in 2014 Summer Session classes are eligible to receive a discount on fees for a savings of more than $300. Staff members are not required to pay the following fees:
• Application, $25
• Health Services, $50
• Student Life, $15
• Recreation, $73
• Transportation, $87.50 (undergraduate students only)
• Associated Students, $65.68 for undergraduates and $10 for graduates
Fee reductions are available to UC career employees who’ve completed their probationary periods. Human Resources will use the same parameters to qualify staff members for the Summer Session discount that is used to apply the staff discount for the regular academic year. During the past several years, more than a dozen employees have enrolled in summer session courses, said program Manager Janelle Barnes.
In order for the discount to be applied, employees must complete and submit an Employee Reduced Fee Enrollment Application and include the necessary approvals.
Summer Session registration began Feb. 24 for continuing students and begins March 3 for non-students. Three sessions will be held. Application deadlines for the sessions are:
• Session A - May 13
• Session B - June 10
• Session C - June 24
For more information about the discount, email Human Resources or call ext. 8247. Detailed information regarding Summer Session classes and related information can be found on the unit’s website.