Update from UC Merced's UCPath Team
September 24, 2014

The team began drafting potential practices for the campus’s local business process maps and analyzing how they will integrate with the UCPath Service Center’s future state process design documents. The project team will meet with various focus groups on campus to review and comment on the new business process designs.
To recap, UCPath is replacing the 35-year-old payroll/personnel system with a single payroll, benefits, human resources and academic personnel solution for all UC employees. UC Merced’s UCPath project team has spent several months reviewing more than 100 business processes that will be used by the new UCPath Shared Services Center in Riverside. The future state process design maps will help shape many of UC Merced’s payroll, human resources and academic personnel business processes.
UCPath will roll out in a three-stage pilot starting with the Office of the President. The implementation will continue with UC Santa Cruz, UC Merced, UCLA (including the Health System) and Associated Students of UCLA. The remaining campuses will go live in two waves.
For more information visit the central UCPath website at ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu, the UC Merced website at ucpath.ucmerced.edu or email ucpath@ucmerced.edu.