A biweekly publication for faculty and staff

Downtown Center Team Offers Updates on Construction and Planning

Construction site of UC Merced's Downtown Campus Center.The Downtown Campus Center (DCC) transition team would like the campus community to share in the progress of the project and offers regular updates.

As of mid-October, the columns were going up and construction and the transition planning were on track. There are number of projects, such as interior design, security, and transit and parking, that will get further updates in early 2017.

Here are a few highlights on the various work projects taking place in preparation for the 2018 move.

Digital Business Solutions

The campus records manager and the Digital Business Solutions (DBS) 2020 team continue to work with departments to digitize paper documents, purge old files and provide support for enterprise document management. Bulk scanning (for departments with a lot of paperwork) will be a critical next phase of this project, as will working with departments on business process solutions to reduce future paper use.

Desktop Technology 

Information Technology has a list of technology recommendations for desktop and mobile computing at UC Merced. 

Activity-based space programing and the use of huddle and focus rooms will be enhanced by mobile computing technology. If you are considering new technology purchases for your department, we recommend reviewing the list of IT-supported devices. 

Furniture and Space Planning

The transition team and the design team from Tangram Interiors have interviewed leadership and management teams from each department that will be moving to get input on space and furniture design. The next phase of information gathering will be with staff members from each neighborhood. These workshops will be held the week of Nov. 7-11, and people will receive messages about specific times. The meetings will be held via Zoom and at the Promenade.


Work teams that will focus on VOIP, room scheduling, central print services, IT help and other technology-related needs will work through the winter and spring on DCC technology solutions. More information on each of these work streams will be sent out as the teams begin development.

Parking, Transportation and Safety

The DCC Transition Team will partner with Transportation and Parking Services to develop transit and parking solutions for the DCC. More information on these topics will be posted to our website in early 2017.

Weekly Zoom Sessions

Starting this month, we will have weekly, open Zoom meetings to address any questions or concerns and take feedback. Information will be sent regarding dates and times soon, if you have not already received it.

Weekly Website Updates

Construction pictures and updates on all work streams will be posted on the Business and Strategic Initiatives website. Visitors can also find a gallery of photos online.