Frontiers in Science Lecture Series: Insects and Brains
Join Professor Fred Wolf from the School of Natural Sciences as he offers a free lecture entitled "Can Insects Reveal the Secrets of the Brain?" at the next session of the Frontiers in Science Lecture Series.
Our brains are made up of billions of nerve cells that make trillions of connections to each other. How are we ever going to figure out why we think, feel love, need to sleep, and create complex societies? And why do people have troubles with depression, drug addiction, and violence? To start getting answers, some scientists study organisms with simpler brains. They are finding that even the lowly fruit fly has a brain that works remarkably like ours.
The lectures are free and open to everyone. Wolf’s talk begins at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, at Castle Air Museum, 5050 Santa Fe Drive, Atwater.