A biweekly publication for faculty and staff

University Friends Circle - "Journey to the Underworld"

April 01, 2014 - 11:30 am

University Friends Circle (UFC) meets for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 1 at the Branding Iron Restaurant, 640 W. 16th St., Merced. Professor of anthropology Holley Moyes will present "Journey to the Underworld: The Ritual Use of Caves among the Ancient Maya."

Moyes will take attendees on a tour of the ancient Maya underworld and discuss the implications of archaeological findings in understanding the dynamics of ancient Maya civilization. These people lived in a world that was animated and imbued with spirits, some of which were benevolent and some that could cause harm. Their landscape was populated with spirits that dwelled on Earth and in the sky, as well as those that lived in the nether-regions of the underworld. 

The cost is $20 for members and $25 for guests. For information on joining the UFC or to RSVP, visit friendscircle.ucmerced.edu. The reservation deadline is noon March 27.

The UFC's mission is to inspire and maintain strong relationships between the UC Merced community and the communities of the San Joaquin Valley through activities that promote social and intellectual interaction, programs of service and fundraising initiatives that support UC Merced scholarships.

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