Application Period Opens for Career Mentorship Program
Applications are being accepted for the 2016-17 Career Advancement Mentorship Program (CAMP), a volunteer effort that matches experienced UC Merced mentors with staff members who seek guidance and professional development.
Sponsored by UC Merced Staff Assembly and Human Resources’ professional development unit, CAMP provides an opportunity for mentors to share their knowledge and experience with mentees to better equip them to become future leaders and excel in their chosen fields.
The program, which starts its third year on July 1, matches mentors and mentees based on their interests and experiences and provides assistance with goal setting, job satisfaction, job enhancement and lateral or upward mobility.
CAMP offers bimonthly workshops and group and individual mentorship opportunities to further advance the professional development goals of UC Merced staff members. The deadline to apply as a CAMP mentee or mentor is noon, May 31.
Additional information about the program is available online. Forms to apply as a mentee or mentor are posted. Staff members can access the University of California’s professional development policy here. Email questions regarding CAMP to