Applications Accepted for Spring Citizen Police Academy
The UC Merced Police Department is offering an eight-week Citizen Police Academy beginning Feb. 3 to help the campus community gain a better understanding about law enforcement and the importance of community partnerships.
Topics may include an introduction to the criminal justice system, high-tech crimes, community policing, traffic stops/DUI investigation, use of force, domestic violence/sexual assault, commercial sexual exploitation of children, ethics in law enforcement and violent intruder response training. Participants may have an opportunity to go on ride-alongs with UC Merced police officers.
The academy is open to UC Merced students, employees and community members. Eligible applicants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to eligible UC Merced students and employees.
To participate, you must complete an application and a brief letter of interest by 5 p.m. Feb. 1. Each applicant must be at least 18 years old on or before the first class session. Applicants must not have felony convictions or outstanding warrants and must also not be on parole or probation.
For more information, call Officer Darryl Davis at 209-228-2677 or email