A biweekly publication for faculty and staff

BFS News: New Issue of UCPath Looking Forward Available; Upcoming Trainings

October 22, 2013
Read the latest issue of Looking Forward, the systemwide bimonthly electronic newsletter about the UCPath project. The October/November issue includes: 
  • A story about the UCPath Health Check, a tool that summarizes the status of all aspects of the project and more
  • Facts and figures that illustrate the scope and complexity of implementing a new payroll/HR system systemwide
  • A spotlight on one of the UCPath Center’s benefit operations supervisors 
For questions about UCPath at our campus, please contact Project Director Pamela Heintzleman via email at pheintzleman@ucmerced.edu or call ext. 4074. 

UCPath Updates and Information Available Anytime

Stay informed on the progression of the UCPath project at UC Merced by visiting the UCPath website, which hosts a collection of background materials and updates surrounding the new system for payroll, academic personnel, timekeeping and human resources information. For further inquiries UC Merced project team is reachable via ucpath@ucmerced.edu
Campus Meetings, Training and One-on-One Assistance
  • Anyone handling cash for a university job is required to take cash handling training to learn about the corresponding policies and procedures. Sign up now to attend the class from 9-10 a.m. Nov. 12 in KL 201.
  • You are invited to attend the next Campus Purchasing meeting from 1:30-3 p.m. Nov. 6 in KL 232. The first Wednesday of every month, the Campus Purchasing department offers purchasing procedure updates and advice and provides the opportunity to give feedback to the university’s buyers.
  • Tax Tuesdays: UC Merced Tax Services is available on campus by appointment between 8:30-10:30 a.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in KL 201. If you need assistance with campus tax related questions and matters, make arrangements via tax@ucmerced.edu or by contacting Tax Services Manager Kiran Samran at ext. 4075. For helpful information, visit tax.ucmerced.edu.
  • Payroll Fridays: Every Friday until 5 p.m., a payroll expert is stationed in KL 201 to meet and discuss your concerns without having to make a formal appointment. If you have payroll-related questions anytime during the week, you can also contact the Payroll department at payroll@ucmerced.edu or ext. 2729. 
  • Check training.ucmerced.edu for other upcoming opportunities to receive instruction on systems and protocols you use on the job.