Campus Hosts Librarians Association’s 2016 Statewide Assembly
UC Merced recently hosted the 2016 Assembly for the Librarians Association for the University of California (LAUC).
The statewide Assembly, held in spring, rotates between the ten UC campuses and offers librarians an opportunity to gather and discuss issues facing UC libraries. Approximately 50 librarians from across the UC system attended the March 21 event and more watched the proceedings remotely. UC Merced last hosted an LAUC assembly meeting in 2008.
The day’s activities included a presentation by UC Merced Deputy University Librarian Donald Barclay about the newest iteration of the UC Libraries Advisory Structure (UCLAS), a special poster session for new UC librarians to showcase their research, and a presentation from Dan Russell, a senior research scientist at Google.
Russell gave a talk titled, “What do You Need to Know? Learning and Knowing in the Age of the Internet,” which addressed the growing and changing nature of information formats, and the ways librarians must be willing to continuously refine the ways information is sought online.
More information about the meeting, email Jerrold Shiroma, digital assets librarian and Merced representative to the LAUC executive board.