Campus Recharge Committee Resumes Meetings, Issues New Handbook
October 7, 2014
Recharge Committee and New Guidelines
The Recharge Committee, an advisory group to the Budget Advisory Committee and the chancellor, has resumed its quarterly meetings to review departmental recharge rates. The rate-review process includes evaluation of financial profit-and-loss statements to ensure compliance with university policies and external regulations.
The committee also issued the UC Merced Recharge Handbook, which provides campus departments with guidance on the overall process that includes recharges and recharge activities. The handbook establishes a mechanism for defining, establishing and decommissioning recharge rates, along with developing, requesting, reviewing and approving new recharge rates. The handbook was developed to provide consistent operational practices for the campus to ensure compliance with both accounting policies and government regulations and to ensure equitable treatment of all users, regardless of funding source.
Additional information about the recharge committee and the UC Merced Recharge Handbook is posted on the Campus Budget Office's Recharge Committee webpage.
Training and Resources
Purchasing Policies Training
Learn about the campus’s purchasing policies and procedures from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Oct. 13 in the Granite Room at the Mondo Building. This class is a required course for CatBuy training. Sign up.
FAU Training
Full Accounting Units (FAU) training is from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 14 in the Granite Room at the Mondo Building. Register now for this prerequisite to CatBuy training.
CatBuy Training
CatBuy/BruinBuy training provides a hands-on overview of UC Merced’s online procurement system. The next class is from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 15 in KL 201. Sign up at the training website. Note: Each participant must have an Oasis/BruinBuy login ID and complete the purchasing and FAU classes before taking this class.
Monthly Administrative Officers and Management Services Officers Meeting
AO/MSO Meetings are open to anyone who wants to hear more about important campus updates, developments and administrative requirements. The group’s next meeting is from 10:45 a.m. to noon Oct. 21 in KL 232. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
Weekly one-on-one payroll assistance: Every Friday, a payroll expert is stationed in KL 201 until 5 p.m. to meet and discuss payroll concerns without having to make a formal appointment. You can also contact the Payroll department anytime at 209-228-2729 or send an email to