Chancellor, Provost Webcast Set for April 20; HR Chat Recorded
Chancellor Dorothy Leland and Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Thomas W. Peterson invite faculty and staff members to join them for an interactive webcast from 3 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 20.
Viewers can submit questions anonymously during the live event. A link to the webcast will be distributed by email and posted before the event.
During the past year, Chancellor Leland and members of her leadership team have used webcasts to communicate with faculty and staff members, provide campus updates, answer questions and address concerns.
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Brian Powell partnered with UC Merced's Staff Assembly to host webcast on April 13. During his 65-minute chat, Powell discussed preparations for the upcoming performance-management cycle, the planned transition to merit pay and Halogen 2.0, and later answered viewer-submitted questions.
Leland will take part in another webcast May 24.