Dawson Receives Green Lab Certification
School of Natural Sciences Professor Michael Dawson was awarded gold certification in Energize College Sustainability’s Green Lab Assessment Program.
The program works with individual laboratories and researchers to educate, collect best practices and assess areas of improvement in research efficiency. Those areas include engagement and targeted initiatives around efficiency in natural resources and other environmental issues.
Program Coordinator Nick Conte said Dawson’s lab was assessed on its operations, including energy and water use, waste management, sustainable purchasing and travel.
The Green Lab Assessment Program was developed by the nonprofit organization My Green Labs (MGL) and University of California representatives from Davis, Santa Barbara, San Francisco and Los Angeles to help reduce environmental impacts of laboratory buildings. The MGL checklist was developed based on best practices from several UC campuses as well as My Green Lab’s expertise.
Laboratory buildings are the largest consumers of energy, water and chemicals on campus. These buildings face challenges in energy/water efficiency, waste management and identifying sustainable purchasing options, and require special attention to meet research and safety requirements.
Dawson will work with Energize College interns and Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Karen Smith to help further his Green Lab program.
Other professors who want to participate in the program can contact Mark Maxwell at 209-228-4465.