Founding Staff Looks Back to Campus's Beginnings
On Oct. 14, UC Merced will break ground on its ambitious 2020 Project, the campus’s next phase of development that will double its physical capacity to accommodate 10,000 students.
To commemorate this milestone in the university’s history, this issue of Panorama features a special edition of Spotlight. We asked founding campus community members to share their favorite memory from UC Merced’s early days.
We hope you enjoy their recollections. Meanwhile, all campus community members are invited to attend the Merced 2020 Project groundbreaking ceremony in the South Bowl at 1 p.m. The deadline to RSVP is Oct. 12.
Edson Gonzales
Information Technology
“UC Merced’s first class on opening day was held in the California Room. I recall running down Scholars Lane wearing a hardhat and hauling a portable PA system so instruction could go on in that makeshift classroom. At the time, I had gotten less than an hour of sleep in 48 hours. We made things happen. We had to.”
Sherry Coane
Academic Personnel
Carla Krogh
Business and Financial Services
"The groundbreaking ceremony on Oct. 25, 2002, was quite memorable. The day before, several people from facilities, including Joseph Ramos and Jaymz Harkey, were at the construction site preparing for the groundbreaking ceremony. We, along with Denise Smith, decided to take refreshments out to the crew. When we arrived, we saw a huge tent with a stage and chairs for about 1,500 people being set up. We talked to the crew who showed us what still needed to be done. They had to pre-dig an area for the groundbreaking because the ground was so hard, the dignitaries wouldn’t have been able to get their shovels into the ground. The surface dirt was the only part we could dig up. We used a pickax to turnover about 2 inches of dirt. So, truth is, we did the first groundbreaking. Sherry loaned her RV so Joseph and Kyle Selby could take turns staying the night at the groundbreaking site to keep it secure. We worked as a team, and it was a lot of fun.
Enrique Guzman
Office of Student Life
“The memory that takes the cake is when we had our first Bobcat Day under a big tent at Lake Yosemite. Everyone thought we were crazy and that nobody would want to attend our campus. Reflecting back over the past 16 years made me realize just how far we’ve come and, more importantly, the amazing things we will do for our students, community, state and nation.”
Min Jiang
Design and Construction
“My favorite UC Merced memory involves the design decision for the trees on Scholars Lane. Founding Chancellor Carol Tomlinson-Keasey came from a military family and had spent a number of years in Japan. During that time, she grew fond of pink blossoms. So, her vision for the campus’s main academic corridor was for it to be filled every spring with pink blossoms. When some people questioned the wisdom of Scholars Lane being so pink, (Tomlinson-Keasey) said in her determined fashion, ‘What’s wrong with pink? We’ll show the world we are not afraid to be colorful.’ I was in awe of her courage and determination.”
Orquidea Largo
Center for Educational Partnerships
“I recall driving to my hometown time and time again and a little rusty sign that read, ‘Future Home of UC Merced’ always caught my attention. Little did I know that was a ‘sign’ UC Merced would become my second home for the next 15 years.”
Pam Moody
Academic Personnel
“There were so many funny things from the early days. Irreverence and camaraderie were the orders of the day. At the same time, we all worked hard -- fighting for permits, responding to public information requests, holding planning fairs, taking various parties on innumerable site visits and planning both the physical and academic aspects of the campus to be.”
Encarnacion Ruiz
Admissions and Outreach
“I remember the day that we were ready to admit the first students. I personally signed each admission letter. I also remember sitting with founding University Librarian Bruce Miller as he shared his vision for the UC Merced Library. He wanted to use technology to provide resources efficiently and for students to feel welcome and comfortable in a state-of-the-art library. That included letting students eat in the library. At the time, I thought, ‘Wow, students aren’t going to have to sneak in food.”