Graduating Seniors Share Their Experiences
In the spring of 2014, 42 percent of seniors who were set to graduate completed the annual Graduating Senior Survey, which asks about their experiences at UC Merced and post-graduation plans.
Some highlights from the survey:
- 84 percent of respondents reported feeling connected or very connected with UC Merced.
- 35 percent of respondents said they conducted research with faculty members for 11.5 months on average, and 35 percent presented this research outside the classroom.
- Respondents participated in a variety of recreation and athletics programs, as shown in Figure 1 (respondents could select multiple options), with the largest proportion reporting that they used the Joseph Edward Gallo Recreation and Wellness Center. Many said they would have participated in swimming (42 percent), rock climbing (38 percent), martial arts/kickboxing (23 percent) and tennis (21 percent) if they had been offered.
- As shown in Figure 2 below, respondents reported a variety of post-graduation plans (respondents could select multiple options). Of those who completed the survey, 95 percent of those who have jobs lined up said they will work in California, and 64 percent and 68 percent said their jobs are highly or moderately related to their fields of study and career goals, respectively.
View the full 2014 Graduating Senior Survey report online.
The 2015 Graduating Senior Survey is underway. This year, for each student who completes the survey, $5 will be donated to the 2015 Senior Class Gift (capped at $3,000). The survey closes May 8, so spread the word to help promote the survey and, in turn, encourage students to provide information about their academic and campus life experiences that will help make informed improvements at UC Merced.