Grant Writing Institute Helps Faculty, Scholars Plan Research Proposals
Research Development Services in the Office of Research and Economic Development is offering its annual Grant Writing Institute April 19-21, with workshops, information, strategies and techniques to help faculty members plan, prepare and submit winning research grant proposals.
Presenters will include experts in the field of grantsmanship and UC Merced faculty members. The event agenda lists all planned activities and sessions.
The Grant Writing Institute is open to all ladder-rank faculty members, with some sessions geared toward faculty at the assistant professor level. Participants are welcome to attend the entire event or choose from among the different sessions. A limited number of slots are available for graduate students, postdocs or staff members involved in preparing research proposals.
RSVPs will be accepted for specific sessions as long as space is available. For more information about the Grant Writing Institute or to RSVP, email Luyen Hoang.