Management Program Postponed Until Spring, More Classes Added
October 21, 2014
Management Development Program Postponed Until Spring 2015
The Management Development Program (MDP) has been postponed until spring 2015. All fall 2014 MDP nominees will be transferred over to the spring 2015 cohort and will receive the MDP information via email. Please contact Yazil Navarro in Human Resources if you have any questions regarding the postponement.
More Training Available at
Do you need to brush up on your PowerPoint skills? Need a few quick tips on Web navigation? If you're looking for ways to strengthen your workplace skills, check out Information Technology (IT) and Human Resources’ professional development unit partnered to provide faculty and staff members and students unlimited access to is an online training library that teaches the latest software, creative and business skills through high-quality instructional videos taught by recognized industry experts. With more than 3,000 courses, is designed for all levels of learners and is available whenever you’re ready to learn. You can view courses on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, or other mobile device.
Getting Started
2. Select the "Training" tab.
3. Select the "lynda/IT Academy" tab.
4. Select the link to
Finding Content on Lynda
The website includes a helpful video that outlines different ways to find content.
- Search: The search bar at the top of the screen allows you to search by keyword, subject, author, title and more.
- Browse: Select the "Browse the Library" link at the top of the screen to browse by topic or alphabetically.
- Playlists: You can create and share playlists or visit the Playlist Center to find curated playlists compiled by experts. The site includes information about working with playlists.
Getting Help
- Unable to log in? Contact the IT Help Desk by email at or call 209-228-4357.
- All other issues: Contact customer service at or call 800-335-9632.
Professional Development Workshops
Below are the upcoming professional development courses through November:
- Oct. 28 – Ethical Leadership: Leading by the Golden Rule
- Oct. 29 – Session Two: Present Yourself: Six Steps to More Effective Presentations
- Nov. 4 – Crucial Accountability
- Nov. 10 – Supervising According to Union Contracts
- Nov. 12 – Delegating for Success and Accountability
- Nov. 13 – Customer Service
- Nov. 19 – Emotional Intelligence/Whole Brain Thinking
- Dec. 9 – Team Building
- Dec. 10 – Situational Leadership: A Model for Developing People
To register:
2. Search for training by name in the search bar on the left of your screen.
3. Select the course you are interested in, then select “register” to see offerings, schedule and location details.
4. Select the box next to the class that fits your needs and select “submit” to register.
5. For more information, email or call 209-228-8247.
New Employee Orientation, Resources
The next new employee orientation is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nov. 7 in KL 232. For more information, visit the new employee orientation webpage.
The first few weeks in a new job can be challenging. To ease the stress of settling in, Human Resources has compiled a list of resources to assist new employees in acclimating to the university. Whether you are new to UC Merced or in a position of supervising others, you will find value in this tool.