New Open Access Journal Glossa Open for Submissions
The editorial board for linguistics journal Lingua resigned last November following failed negotiations with publisher Elsevier. The same editorial board went on to begin Glossa, a new open-access journal now open for submissions.
While Lingua continues for now, several UC linguistics faculty members have boycotted it, and the UC libraries have informed Elsevier they wish to cancel their subscriptions.
UC community members will continue to have access to Lingua content published through 2015, before the board resigned. Access to what many in the linguistics community now refer to as “zombie Lingua” might continue purely as a function of how Elsevier chooses to fill packages UC subscribes to, but the journal will no longer be targeted for the same kind of perpetual access rights the UC seeks for subscribed journals.
While the move from Lingua to Glossa is about pricing and costs, it is also part of a larger movement to make scholarly communication more affordable to researchers and their institutions and to improve the availability of new research to other researchers and to the public.
Read more about the change.
Questions regarding open access can be directed to Deputy University Librarian Donald Barclay.