Open Access Week Celebration Successful
Open access is a hot topic in the University of California Academic Senate, and the UC libraries are part of the conversation.
Along with other UC libraries and libraries all over the world, the UC Merced Library sponsored several events during International Open Access Week in late October. The events included a webinar called "Open Access: Redefining Impact" sponsored by Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)/Worldbank; a film screening of "Copyright Criminals" and a reception honoring UC Merced faculty members who received library support from an Open Access Fund Pilot to publish their articles in open-access journals.
At the reception, interim university Librarian Donald Barclay commended local scholars who've made the commitment to publish in open-access journals and discussed the significance of the UC Academic Senate’s recent passage of the University of California Open Access Policy.
For more information about the newly adopted policy, please visit the UC Open Access Policy page on the Office of Scholarly Communications website.