Reminder: Staff Hiring Plan Webcast Airs Today
All staff and faculty members are invited to participate in a candid two-hour webcast from 10 a.m. to noon today (April 27) to hear about the staff hiring plan — also known as the workforce planning initiative — to ask questions and to offer additional thoughts and feedback.
Follow this link to view the Staff Hiring Plan webcast.
The interactive webcast, hosted by Chancellor Dorothy Leland and moderated by Associate Chancellor and Chief of Staff Ed Klotzbier, will include presentations by each cross-divisional working group — Research Excellence and Academic Distinction, Student Success and Organizational Efficiencies and Sustainability — followed by an invitation to viewers to submit anonymous suggestions, comments or questions. That feedback will be incorporated into a final report to be presented to senior leaders in May.
Given the importance of this exercise to the university’s future, Leland encourages managers to make reasonable accommodations to allow staff members to participate during the full length of the event. Supervisors can reserve conference rooms to allow teams and departments to view the webcast together.