A biweekly publication for faculty and staff

Slots Available for Nov. 12 Financial Management Certification Program Electives

November 6, 2013

Space Still Available for Financial Management Certification Program Electives on Nov. 12 

The UC Merced Financial Management Certification Program (FMCP) is offering four elective courses Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the Fresno Pacific University Merced Center, 3379 G St., Building P. These courses are open on a space-availability basis to people who are interested and can benefit from the topics. If you are admitted to the FMCP later, these courses will count toward your elective requirements. Please see the following descriptions of the four courses being conducted: 
Course Title: Introduction to Academic Personnel
Instructor(s): Becky Gubser, associate director of Academic Personnel
Time: 8:15 a.m. to noon 
Description: This course provides an introduction to academic personnel at UC Merced. Participants will be introduced to terminology, the various titles used, the academic appointment process, the review process, compensation administration, approval authorities, policy resources and reference manuals. Senate faculty as well as temporary teaching, research and student titles will be discussed.
Course Title: Research Compliance Overview
Instructor(s): Deborah Motton, assistant vice chancellor for Research and director of Research Compliance
Time: 8:15 a.m. to noon
Description: This course covers research compliance oversight areas including, but not limited to, human and animal subjects research, conflicts of interest in research, basic research ethics, stem-cell research, research misconduct, and data ownership and management. The course summarizes the history of research compliance in the academic arena, the regulatory and legal obligation of the university, and the relationship of the university to federal and state funding and oversight agencies, and provides examples and case studies for audience discussion.
Course Title: Ethical Leadership: Leading by the Golden Rule
Instructor(s): De Acker, campus ombuds
Time: 1-4:45 p.m.
Description: Topics include creating an effective workplace environment, working through conflict, empowering oneself and others, and relaying difficult messages to supervisors and leadership.
Course Title: Risk Management and Insurance (Section 2)
Instructor(s): Carol Castillo, risk manager; and Cindi Zimmerman, enterprise risk analyst
Time: 1-4:45 p.m.
Description: Being prepared for emergencies can make all the difference when disaster strikes. Unfortunately, accidents happen in the most unlikely ways and places. Whether you are traveling out of the country or planning an event, Risk Services can help you access a variety of resources for help. Additionally, we'll look at liability waivers -– are they legal or not? Find out the answer to this and other interesting topics in Risk Management and Insurance (Section 2). 
If you are interested in attending one of these courses, please register on the UC Learning Center website as follows: 
  • Log in to the UC Learning Center using your UC Merced Net ID
  • In the Search field, enter 111213
  • Select the class you are interested in, click “Register”, check the box next to the class and click “Submit”
For more information about the FMCP, visit the Controls and Accountability website. If you have any questions, email Viola Kinsman or call ext. 2253. 
Other Campus Meetings, Training, and one-on-one Assistance
  • Anyone handling cash for a university job is required to take cash-handling training to learn about the corresponding policies and procedures. Sign up now to attend the class from 9 - 10 a.m. Nov. 12 in KL 201.
  • The AO/MSO meetings are open to anyone who wants to hear more about important campus updates, developments and requirements. This group next meets from 10:45 a.m. to noon Nov. 19 -- and the third Tuesday of every month -- in KL 232. 
  • Tax Tuesdays: UC Merced Tax Services is available on campus by appointment between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. in KL 201 on the third Tuesday of every month. If you need assistance with campus tax-related questions and matters, make arrangements via tax@ucmerced.edu or by contacting Tax Services Manager Kiran Samran at ext. 4075. For helpful information, visit tax.ucmerced.edu. 
  • Payroll Fridays: Until 5 p.m. every Friday, a payroll expert is stationed in KL 201 to meet and discuss your concerns without making a formal appointment. If you have payroll-related questions anytime during the week, you can contact the Payroll Department at ext. 2729 or payroll@ucmerced.edu.
  • Check training.ucmerced.edu for other upcoming opportunities to receive instruction on systems and protocols you use on the job.
UCPath Updates and Info Available Anytime
Stay informed on progression of the UCPath project by visiting UC Merced’s UCPath website, which hosts a collection of background materials and updates surrounding the new system for payroll, academic personnel, timekeeping and human resources information. For further inquiries related to UC Merced’s UCPath implementation, the UC Merced project team is reachable via ucpath@ucmerced.edu. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.