Support UC Merced Scholarships
The Promise for Education social funding program ends Oct. 31, so there’s only one week left to raise more money for UC Merced scholarships.
We've already raised more than $1.1 million systemwide. Of that, UC Merced has raised more than $11,000 for scholarships and more than $212,000 in yet-to-be-funded promises. Our campus continues to lead the system in number of pormises made.
Do you want to see Chancellor Leland and her Dream Dean Team fullfill their promise to photograph pets in need of adoption (chancellor) and race kayaks on Little Lake (Deans Aldenderfer, Meza and Hirleman)? They have raised half of their goal, but they still need your help to raise the rest!
Please visit Promise for Education now, and make a contribution to one of the featured UC Merced promises.