Training to Help Campus React to Major Emergencies
To prepare for potentially dangerous events, UC Merced’s Department of Public Safety Emergency Management hosted FEMA’s Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Higher Education course earlier this year.
About 45 people from UC Merced, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, California State University, Stanislaus, and local agencies learned about the phases of emergency management, identifying hazards and using a risk-assessment process, managing an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) through the incident command system, developing or revising emergency operations plans, training and testing the plans, and partnering with campus affiliates and the community.
Members of UC Merced’s EOC team, led by Support Services/Campus Emergency and EOC Manager Tamela Adkins and section chiefs Jim Genes, Sheryl Ireland, Tibor Toth and Rachel Hadley, trained on planning for, responding to and recovering from emergencies that could occur on campus.