Self-Nominations Open for Staff Assembly Elections
Staff Assembly elections are next month. All professional employees are encouraged to consider serving as an executive board member. As an organization, Staff Assembly is charged with promoting the interests and well-being of staff members. Members of the executive board live out that charge by hosting special events, leading service opportunities and ensuring proper representation on campuswide committees.
Nominations are open for the following 2017-2018 positions:
- Vice President (three-year term)
- Finance Officer
- Finance Officer-Elect
- Secretary
- Co-Chair for Communications (Two positions)
- Co-Chair for Programs, Events and Outreach (Two positions)
- Co-Chair for Fundraising (Two positions)
A brief summary of the required duties for each position and an overview of the election process is included in the Staff Assembly bylaws.
Self-nominations are encouraged from staff throughout the campus community. To participate in the election, please complete and submit a nomination form. Nominations must be submitted no later than noon Thursday, May 4.
Timeline for election process:
- The slate of candidates will be presented to membership May 8;
- Electronic votes will be accepted May 8 through May 12;
Candidates are encouraged to attend the May 15 general meeting to present statements to Staff Assembly membership. Paper ballots will be accepted during the May 15 meeting, which starts at noon in Room 250 of the Student Services Building.
Each year, Staff Assembly creates a vision for the coming year that builds upon its prior successes. Each newly elected board brings fresh perspectives and bold ideas. For information, email