New Technology in KL 359 Boosts Collaboration
September 19, 2014
The library installed media:scape technology from Steelcase in meeting room KL 359, and the equipment provides a simple “walk-up and connect” experience for users. Media:scape is a table with two monitors and interactive technology.
Previously, only one person could be connected to the A/V control panel at a time, which meant each presenter had to disconnect before anyone else could connect.
With media:scape, multiple users — as many as eight — connect their devices to an electronic puck. When someone needs to display what’s on his or her device, he or she simply presses the puck to share what’s on the screen.
KL 359 is available for faculty and staff members' use and may be reserved through Office 365. You can also access the reservation system through the campus’s new Room Reservation Directory. Use the directory to find the room and select the “details” link. When the room details box opens, click on “reservation link.”
Do you have questions about KL 359 or other library spaces? Send an email to